바보 The Saphead
부유한 광산주 닉 반 앨스틴의 아들 버티는 세상물정 모르는 응석받이이다. 앨스틴의 사위 마크는 능력은 없으면서 야심만 많은 브로커이다. 어느 날 부정이 탄로나게 된 마크는 그것을 버티의 잘못으로 뒤집어씌움과 동시에 광산을 헐값에 팔아넘기려는 음모를 꾸민다. 이제 버티는 자신과 집안을 지켜내기 위한 싸움을 시작한다.
• Brand new audio commentary with film historian and writer David Kalat
• Complete alternate version of The Saphead, comprised entirely of variant takes and camera angles (1:14:32)
• A Pair of Sapheads– featurette comparing the two versions of the film by Brett Wood (7:29)
• Bubbling Gravity by David Cairns (21:49)
• The Scribe(1966, dir. John Sebert) (29:44) – In his last film role produced to promote Construction site safety Keaton plays a janitor who in his attempt to educate workers on safe practices, causes more accidents than he prevents
Previously unheard audio commentary on The Scribe with director John Sebert (recorded before his death in 2015) and writer / silent cinema aficionado Chris Seguin
• Buster Keaton in conversation with Kevin Brownlow– a 2-hour audio interview with Keaton and film historian Kevin Brownlow from 1964 (Part 1 / Part 2)
• 1958 Buster Keaton Interview [90 mins]
• Buster Keaton: Radio Interview– a rarely heard (7:58)interview with Keaton
PLUS: A collector’s booklet featuring new essays by journalist Philip Kemp and film writer Imogen Sara Smith, as well as an appreciation of The Saphead by film writer Eileen Whitfield | *All extras subject to change at time of announcement
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